Support Canadian Coffee Database

Our friend and Education Coordinator, Brittany Davies, collaborated with Lara Bannister and Conrad Stel to put together a database to help us support our Canadian coffee roasters and cafés during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click below to see who is open, who is roasting and shipping etc. Let’s help out our coffee community!

SCA Canada - COVID-19 Update

Our role as the SCA Canada is to serve you, represent you and build up our incredible coffee community around the country. 

We recognize that these are very uncertain times for all of us - baristas, roasters, business owners, customers and everyone in between. It is indeed stressful and we see that.

One thing that we can do in times of uncertainty is rely on each other as a community, and make a plan. This is a serious issue that not only impacts our businesses, the economy and our lives, but above all, it impacts all of us as people. We have put together a resource for you that can help to inform your own cafe practices in this time. It aims to educate, raise awareness, suggest protective protocols and provide some resources for all of you. This is meant to be a starting place and a suggestion, but not an official resource. We strongly recommend consulting the Government of Canada, Public Health of Canada, as well as keeping up to date with your local city and provincial authorities for more specific mandates. 

Please take these suggestions seriously. We have population health responsibilities to our co-workers, our staff, our customers and our neighbourhoods to be safe spaces. Due to the nature of this public health issue, we do strongly recommend that you act swiftly and be over-cautious. The time to take action is now.

Cafes and coffee are meant to be a place of community, a bright spot of warmth. One thing to know is that we are all going through these difficult times together. What we need to do is rely on each other. More than ever we need to support each other, encourage each other, and let coffee be a beacon of hope. I believe that leading by example in this hard time is going to show our communities just how important specialty coffee is to everyone.

As we learn more, we will continue to stay in touch.

Please do let us know how we can support you. 

Jeremy Ho
National Coordinator
SCA Canada